Friday, December 19, 2014

Stephen Colbert Gets Celebrity Send Off In "Colbert Report" Finale

Colbert’s last words were true to his character: “I’m getting angry at liberals.”

The final episode of The Colbert Report aired Thursday night. "If you remember when this show began I promised you a revolution and I delivered," he said.

The final episode of The Colbert Report aired Thursday night. "If you remember when this show began I promised you a revolution and I delivered," he said.

He continued, because "technically a revolution is 360 degrees right back to where we were." Colbert went on to list several world events — troops in Iraq, a possible Bush presidential candidacy (Jeb) — that resembled what was happening when the show began.

The Colbert Report

The episode included references to "truthiness," Colbert's bucket list, and a segment in which Colbert thanked Prescott Pharmaceuticals, among many other things.

The episode included references to "truthiness," Colbert's bucket list, and a segment in which Colbert thanked Prescott Pharmaceuticals, among many other things.

The Colbert Report

The climax of the show came as Colbert and Jon Stewart began a duet of "We'll Meet Again."

The climax of the show came as Colbert and Jon Stewart began a duet of "We'll Meet Again."

The Colbert Report

The duet soon transitioned in a mass celebrity cameo.

The duet soon transitioned in a mass celebrity cameo.

The crowd included Michael Stipe, Bryan Cranston, Ariana Huffington, Patrick Stewart, Elijah Wood, Jeff Daniels, and many many others, including:

The Colbert Report

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